Generational wellness encompasses all facets of our wellbeing. It is much more than health and nutrition. It also includes how we look at money. I’m talking generational wellness with Michelle Kais, LMFT. Michelle is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a mommy consultant. As a mommy consultant, she is passionate about helping ambitious moms of little ones move from overwhelming mommy guilt to becoming more mindful and connecting while passing down generational wellness to their kids.
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Podcast Transcript
Dr. Sev
Today’s topic is generational wellness. Generational wellness is about how each generation can thrive and prosper encompasses much more than just health and nutrition. It is about all facets of our well being. And it also, of course, includes my favorite topic: money.
Today, I’m talking with Michelle Kais. She is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a mommy consultant. As a mommy consultant, she is passionate about helping ambitious moms of little ones move from overwhelming mommy guilt to becoming more mindful and connecting while passing down generational wellness to their kids. Michelle, welcome to the Dr. Sev Talks Money YouTube and podcast.
Michelle Kais
Thank you, Dr. Sev
Dr. Sev
You are welcome. I’m looking forward to our discussion. So first, I’ll let you tell the people about yourself. Well, before you do that, let me just say this session is educational in nature. It is not advice. If you are seeking advice. Please speak to your personal finance educator, your personal finance planner, or your own marriage and family therapist. This again is educational and entertainment and not advice. So Michelle, introduce yourself to us.
Michelle Kais
Yes, I first want to say that I love that we both have green on. So we’re already in the money mode. So I love that, I just first want to say that. But yes, so I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in Florida. And you know, I not only do that I also do like mommy consulting, I work with moms doing one to one coaching. And I’m glad that we’re talking about generational wellness. Because I think a lot of times like we have to think about like it’s all about mindset, and really thinking about like what’s going on in your mind. And so like myself as a therapist, that’s kind of my number one goal that I’m often thinking about whenever I’m with clients is okay, what’s your mindset around wellness? What’s your mindset about money, that’s like usually the first thing I’m working with, with clients.
Dr. Sev
Awesome. That mindset is so key. Because as a people, I’m talking the whole world, we are shaped by our experiences, we are shaped by the things that we’ve been taught, right or wrong. We’re shaped by how we’ve been socialized to the world, you know, how we’ve been introduced to things and the workplace and the school system. All of that shapes how we view ourselves, and how we view the world. And sometimes those lessons, they don’t serve us. They really don’t serve us in our present condition and your future. And I’m so glad you said mindset. Because in order for us to shift our lifestyle or to shift things in our lives, we have to really look at how we view things. Because it’s not what happens to us is how we handle what’s happened for us.
So let’s dig deeper into mindset. So let’s talk about some of the things that you may have seen that you think would benefit from having a mindset shift.
Michelle Kais
Yeah, yeah. I mean, I think like this goes into what we’re talking about what generational, you know, what that looks like. And so the biggest thing that I see is like we have gone like it’s a person that comes in, whether it’s in my office, or a friend, you know, going through a coaching program, and then they’re talking about their experience as a child. And that’s usually what comes up a lot is like, Okay, what did I experience as a child, and then whatever they’re talking about that they experience as a child, and they’re a parent, because usually I’m working with moms, they’re like, Well, I don’t want that for my child. I don’t want the thing that whatever that was, whether it was like how my parents approached money. Or maybe it was about like how they approach like mental health. They don’t want that for their child. And so a lot of times, I am really kind of saying, okay, so well then what do you want? And a lot of times people have no idea what they want. And that’s like, the biggest mindset thing that I have seen is like, okay, it’s what you know what I don’t want, but then it’s really they’re really struggling to find what that looks like and what they do want.
Dr. Sev
Yeah, yeah, I would say that’s key, right? Because it’s okay to know what you don’t want. But how do you replace the thoughts in your head? If I know I don’t want to wear green, but I never see what color I want to wear. Then how do I replace the greens in my wardrobe? That is so key. Now from our discussion. You’re an advocate for generational wellness. So tell us what sparked that?
Michelle Kais
Yeah, I feel like this is like such a long trajectory of how this kind of spark. So I’m gonna start with my childhood. So I kind of think of everything starts at childhood, when I’m with clients. I’m usually like, everything starts in childhood. And I think about my mother. And so I’m from Detroit, Michigan area. So I’m from the suburbs of Detroit. And both my parents have their masters are the first ones in their family to have an advanced degree, even to have their bachelor’s degree, I think they’re the oldest in the family. They’re the eldest in the family, and then they’re having an advanced degree. And so my mom was really into self help. She was really into, okay, this was like 1980s. And so we had like, a lot of the books started coming out around 1980s 1990s, where a younger Van Zandt started, there was Louise Hay. So like, a lot of these books about self help. And I always saw my mom reading these books, there was like, I could just remember childhood and there were like, books and books and shelves of all these self help books, she was constantly reading to improve herself. And I saw that she was also meditate too, as well. And there’s a story that she always says is that the somebody called on the phone, and you know, we have our our old school phones where we just like somebody would call and I picked it up and I was like, my mom is meditating right now she can’t talk to you.
I kind of just knew from very early on, like your wellness was really important. And so I would have thought like, during that time, I would have said, Okay, as a child, I want to be a therapist, or I want to do something I did not choose that. I actually chose to work in the arts and in theater, the way that it kind of went throughout my life is I really love theater, I was in high school shows, my mom would take me to theater, I went to New York City as a child, like going to see like the Phantom of the Opera. And so actually, what happened was that I ended up going to school for like film and media in theater. And I did that for a while. And then I actually went to New York City to be an actress. And I kind of look back and I’m like, it’s so different from what I do now.
Dr. Sev
Starkiller route, right.
Michelle Kais
Right, in some ways. So I’m in New York City. And I actually ended up doing like children’s theater. Working on lacks a lot of jobs out there to do like children’s theater. And I had a lot of experience working with kids. And so I ended up working because when you’re an actress, you’re trying to like find other side jobs. And so I worked in a program that did workshops for families in New York City schools. So like way deep in Brooklyn, I think I got off the subway, I’ll be honest, I was like, terrified. People were like, it was like, 5am, I’m doing these workshops. But I loved it. Because I would go into these communities. And we would do a workshop. So for example, we do a workshop on how to teach finances to your kids, we do a workshop on how to communicate with your kids. And then we would do a workshop on like, how to do like texting language with your kids, because at that time, no one knew what LMFAO was. And so these parents will come up to me and afterwards, and they were like, thank you so much. Like, I had no idea how to communicate with my kid, how to teach them finances, how to text. Like, I didn’t know any of this, thank you, because my parents never taught me how to do this. And I think that was the first light bulb moment.
And I remember that time because I was working on a film during that time. And I wasn’t enjoying it. And I was like, I want to do something else in the world. And I want to see like some sort of change in the world. And I was married my husband at the time. And we ended up looking at places to move to and I have no idea how we thought of Florida. He has family in Florida. So I think that kind of just worked out. And I researched schools to be a marriage and family therapist. And I will tell you like from that moment on, I have seen that pattern over and over again, where people will come into my office, families when I speak with them, they will go Wow, thank you for giving me this tool to help me do XYZ with my child. And I’m so happy because I never got that. And so I think it’s again that generational wellness that we want to have is that we understand you have to kind of like identify what are the things that we didn’t get? And then how can I do that for my child? And I think that’s like their first step in that for me, I think just again thinking of my parents and what they taught me and it’s so interesting how it’s circled back around from that first moment where my mom was modeling for me mindset and therapy and wellness. And then I’m like, you know, in my 40s. And I’m like, I love this job. This is great. So I think we have to really look back at our childhood for a lot of those clues.
Dr. Sev
Yeah. Isn’t it wonderful how sometimes we go in circular patterns, right? We go around the circle, and then we discover who we were meant to be. And it’s just an awesome feeling, I can hear in your voice, the fact that you were able to make a difference in those kids lives and in their parents lives. Because not only did you make a parent’s a difference in that group, that moment and child that’s going to be perpetuated throughout their family in some way, I’m sure. Because now that child has learned some other coping skills, some other way to view the world, because you’ve changed your perspective. They were socialized based on this experience by the mom’s experience with her parents. And then now you’ve given her another way to look at the world. And so now she can pass that on to her child. And hopefully, that child will pass it on and create that breaking that generational, I want to say curse, but
Michelle Kais
I call it Yeah, that’s what I call it, I usually call it a generational pattern, because like you said, the first thing of saying curse like feels icky. Like you’re like I don’t want to say like were cursed, you know, but I love how you said that pattern where you see over and over again. And there’s something in therapy that we do call the genogram, which is like a family tree. And you can do that with clients and really start to see what are the patterns that we consistently see within our family? And then again, ask that client. Okay, so what do you want to see for your kids? And that is a big question. Because sometimes people know, and like, sometimes people don’t know. And they have to really talk through that and figure that out.
Dr. Sev
Yeah, I just posted your linktree in the chat. And we’ll talk about it some more as we talk about some of the programs that you have upcoming. So I know that you are a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. But again, you also have your mommy consulting business. So tell us some of the things that someone coming to you, a mommy wanting to hire you for your mommy consultant services, what are some of the things that they can expect?
Michelle Kais
Yeah, so usually on that linktree, you’ll get that 15 minute free consultation. And there’s a couple of things that actually can happen. Sometimes people are not the best fit for me. But one of the things I always say is that the fact that you made that call is the first step, the fact that you made the call, because you said that there was a problem. And there’s something going on. And so I may steer you to someone else who will be able to do that. But otherwise, if I’m not, we’re going to kind of walk through what that’s going to look like. And going back to generationally. So like, one of the things I say when we think about generational wellness, and we think about being a mom is the first thing you want to do is we want to model with intention, and with grace. And so if they ended up like booking that call with me, and we’re talking through it, and they end up being a client of mine, and so maybe they’re one on one, and sometimes I’ll have a group coaching program, most of my programs, anything I’m doing is going to say, Okay, we need to model, and you need to be very clear about your intention. And you’re gonna do that with grace. And so when I say intention, that means that kind of what we talked before, we need to have a picture of what you want to have for your family and for yourself. And I think you started saying that before, people sometimes don’t have that picture. They don’t know what that looks like. So sometimes we have to draw it. Sometimes we have to just write it down. Sometimes we have to usually do something within our bodies like so either write something down, visualize it. Sometimes we do like close your eyes and do a visualization exercise. But they need to have the intention. Because kind of like if you’re not walking throughout life and you’re not walking a toddler down life without intention, the world will come in and it will tell your you where your child supposed to go where you’re supposed to go. And you’re not intentional. So yes,
Dr. Sev
Yes, the world has no problems telling us who we are, how we should be, and how we should not be. And if we are not intentional, as you said, and have specific things that we’re wanting to achieve, or you know, knowing who we are as a person, then the world will tell you something that’s probably not who you are. And that’s sometimes why we end up in circular pathways. Because as we evolve and become better human beings, if we don’t learn much about ourselves and about the world. rolled around us and how we can be and how we can expand on how we can grow, we’re going to probably just be in that narrow lane, because that’s all we know. And somebody’s telling you, you know, you’re an introvert, and you’re not a leader. And you’re not a leader, you are more of a background person, you’re the planner, you plan, you’re not a leader. And the devil is alive. You know, all those things. Because I was always very quiet growing up. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t wasn’t watching and listening. I’ve always been introspective. But people take that to me, and I’m not a leader I’m not front facing. So I walked in that for many, many years, until I started becoming learning the inner person and evolving. And I’m glad you’re serving your population this way. Because we need to not listen to the voices outside, but the voice inside as to who we are and develop that person. And you said something else you said people are not, sometimes people are not the best fit for me. I wish every professional would hear this.
Michelle Kais
It’s hard. And it’s and it’s also hard to say it took me a very long time to say that. Because I was like, I need to get clients, I need to do this. And it’s like, no, like sometimes people and what I love is that the blessing is that I can give it to someone else. So I have usually a roster of therapists that I refer people to and I go okay, well, maybe you meet this person, or I’ve even referred them to a coach like a finance coach. They’re like, Okay, I don’t want my finances in order. I’m like, go talk to Dr. Sev, like, she’ll get you right. So yeah, so sometimes we have to do that.
Dr. Sev
Yes, you have to as a service person, you have to have a roster of people. Because when we treat people we’re not treating, or when we serve them, we’re not we have to serve the whole person. And somebody comes to me sometime with finances. And I’ve had to say, Hey, you, I think you may need to talk to a therapist first. Because yes, you need help with your finances. But if I’m only looking at money, and that person as an invoice, then all I’m going to focus on is the fact that, hey, I got a customer, I got a client, let me bill you. But if I’m focusing on the whole person, which is what we really should do, then I’m going to realize that I need to serve you, but you’re not ready for my service. Maybe you want to talk to the therapist first. Or you can talk to the therapist as you talk to me.
But we have to, again, I’m just whoever is gonna listen to this on the podcast, or through YouTube or LinkedIn or wherever. If they’re not the best fit for you don’t look at them as an invoice, because then we’re just pushing them backwards further. Yeah, because we’re giving them what they need. And Andrea has a comment in here. She said, I agree with you. This is a great example of an existential shift in the way to meet that modeling lifestyle, generational change. And I think that’s for the conversation we were having earlier. We’re talking about the mindset and how we look at the generational changes.
This has been a great discussion. I don’t know if anybody has any questions or any comments or anything. Please don’t be shy. This is a non judgmental area. We don’t judge you. Because I’m not perfect. And I’m sure Michelle is not me don’t have a problem discussing whatever it is that you want to discuss. Because we’re all evolving. We’re all growing. We’re all changing. We’re all learning and becoming a better human beings. And we love your comments. We love your input here.
So let’s talk about your programs. You mentioned before that you have that program coming up, but give us some more detail. And again, I’ve shared her LinkedIn in the comment that LinkedIn linktree in the comment. So please, you can click on her linktree, because in that linktree is our links to all of our other programs and all of her social media. So that’s the best way to contact her go through that linktree link. And then you can lead her, you know, wherever the other where you are on social media. And then I also have it in the description of this video. And I’ll also have that link in the podcast when I post it to Spotify and all those other places. So then tell us about your programs.
Michelle Kais
Yeah, so one of the things that so and it’s interesting. So in 2021, after the pandemic, I started to do a group coaching program for moms. And that group coaching program was really a little bit about a trajectory that I saw with my one to one clients, and then also with myself. So the biggest trajectory that I saw is that so in 2016 My daughter was born so she’s three months. She was like around three months old. And you know what started happening for me was that I’m very strong woman like as I said, like I have some great parents I’m an only child, but they made me an only child that kind of steps up and does everything and, and I so appreciate that. So one of the things is I had my daughter. And next thing I tell the story all the time, I’m on the bathroom floor and I’m crying. I am like crying and the only ones but I’m crying every day, my husband is looking at me like what’s going on? You know, what’s the problem. And so what happened was that I didn’t realize that I hadn’t really defined who I was as a mom. And that was kind of my first step. It ended up being that I ended up seeing a therapist, as a therapist, it was a lot of postpartum anxiety, I was having handling like being a mom handling a job handling everything. And so what I ultimately did is what every therapist kind of does for themselves. After I started working with a therapist, I made a treatment plan for myself. I said, Okay, these are the things that I’m seeing, just from talking with my therapist about what’s going on, I made this treatment plan for myself starting in like 2017. And I actually started to, like, work through that, that step by step process, I made a step by step process for myself. And eventually, in 2021, I turned that into a coaching program. And so what it is, is that moms have a big, like, have a really hard time with putting their needs first, yes, they have no idea. Like what that looks like. And also again, if you are never taught that, then it’s very hard for you to figure out how to put your needs first, you want to make sure everyone’s okay. And to be honest, for black women that’s like we got an honest, yes, we really like we take care of everyone else. And next thing, you know, we’re laid out and we’re just exhausted and burned out. And so I started, you know, as I said, Did the I did the work on myself, I started working with clients doing a group coaching program. And then I’m seeing such like, huge change in moms, they’re saying, Well, I’m putting my needs first, I’m understanding what it looks like, I’m having intention on what I want to be as a mom, what I want to be as a parent, I’m understanding what legacy looks like, I am kind of calming and regulating my emotions.
And so all of those things have been happening, you know, just continue to happen. And so I actually took a break for a little bit and moved away from group coaching and started just working back with my one to one clients and doing that a lot of life things just happened for me, taking care of my parents, my parents are getting older, really working through that. And so this year, I’m starting to kind of really figure out, Okay, what’s the best way for moms to learn this program? You know, and so we’re developing a digital product that’ll be out soon this year. And, you know, and so moms can really be able to download that digital product, have some group coaching along with that. So definitely check out my link tree. But I think the biggest thing that we have to understand is like this is needed. And it’s not needed just for mothers, I’m gonna kind of put it out there. It’s like, oh, I would love moms to put their needs first. What I really have in mind is that child, I really have in the mind, and I used to work in schools and work with kids and the things that kids would tell me, I can’t even say it because it’s confidential information. But I’m gonna say that children were basically saying, my mom or my dad is not telling me is telling me to do this thing. I don’t see them doing that. Yes. They’re like, Oh, my mom is telling me to be better with my money. I don’t see her modeling that, you know, my dad is telling me to regulate my emotions and take some deep breaths. I have never seen my dad take deep breaths. And so this goes back to that big that big thing I was saying is modeling. So when I think about programs that I do, I would love to put the moms in the forefront, and they are in the forefront. But the reason why they’re in the forefront is I just hate to say they’re they’re holding some precious cargo. They’re holding our next generation. And that I hope that we move to that mindset. And we complain a lot about our Gen Xizor Gen Z’s and I have no idea who was extra Gen Z.
Dr. Sev
Me either.
Michelle Kais
But back to that. But we also can’t complain again, this goes back to like so yes, it’s something you’ve seen and you don’t like it. So then what do you want to see? And so we are the leaders who are going to really affect our new generation and I just hope we move. Move to that as a collective group, you know, as a whole.
Dr. Sev
Yeah. You said some things that I want to emphasize. One of the things you said about seeing a therapist as a therapist, that is so key because as a counselor, we all need other people to see, because we are in the field, we’re in it. And we don’t get the bird’s eye view because we’re emotionally attached to our journey. Whatever it is we’re doing, we’re emotionally attached to it. And so we can’t see outside of that emotion. Somebody who can come in without emotion, and look at that thing and give us some advice. So I’m glad you said that. And then you said another thing about modeling? Do as I say, not as I do, I mean, people talk all the time, about their kids are not doing this, and your kids are not handling money. And you keep chopping wood, take things in with tags in your closet, what do you expect your child is going to do?
Michelle Kais
And they’re gonna see those tags. See those tags? They’re like, Well, why? Why haven’t they taken that tag off? Like, their kids are very perceptive. They, they see a lot, they hear a lot, and they tell you, they’re not going to tell you from that moment, they’re not going to be like, well, Mommy, I noticed that you put your tags on there, and like, they’re not going to give the whole explanation. But they’re gonna have those visualizations as they continue to get older, and they’re gonna see that. So it’s true. Now,
Dr. Sev
there’s a saying, children live, what they learn what they see, it’s not what they hear. It’s not what you tell them, it’s what they see you do it, that’s what’s going to stick with them, not what you tell them. So it’s so very important to model the behavior that we want our children. Listen, it’s a journey, after the mean is perfect. Because sometimes we may shout at our kids. And we really don’t want to maybe we don’t know, the boss got on you or something, you got home, you’re tired. And listen, it’s okay, if you do that. But guess what you need to do next. Apologize. Yeah, there is a lot of parents don’t want apologize, because they think they’re gonna know it all. And I grew up in that kind of era, you know, parents think they’re the be all know all. And they don’t apologize. And because of that, you know, we don’t learn how to love I mean, their parents who don’t say, I love you, you know, they never said that to their kids. So there’s so many things that we as a people have to really work through. But the key is working through it, identifying that there’s an issue and working through it. And as Audrey said, Here, every healer needs a healer, healer. And so And there’s nothing wrong with therapy, because, you know, 10 years ago, 15 years ago, we would be looked at as cuckoo if we saw it, perfect. But there’s nothing wrong therapy, because it can help you uncover the real you, it can help you get rid of the facade of who you’re living, like, and become the real you when you discover your potential and your passion and your purpose. So I could go on about this, because I really
Michelle Kais
well, I think one of the things that you said about therapy is, um, so last year, I studied a lot of successful entrepreneurs, especially female entrepreneurs, and their habits and what they’re doing. And one of the main habits that was talked about was therapy, you know, self help books working on yourself. And that, what they were saying is that that actually helped them to lead to that financial abundance. So I think, and this is what something I tell my clients, because money comes up a lot in therapy, you know, and it’s hard for people to talk about. But therapy really can have like a monetary benefit. Because a lot of things about money are all about like mindset, and about, like what you were taught as a child and the trauma that you experienced. So I think people don’t realize, you know, that that is actually going to help you when you’re trying to ask for a raise, when you’re trying to ask for that new, maybe it’s a new job you want to go for and you can’t like actually therapy’s going to help you do those things. And so I think that’s just something also people don’t realize it’s gonna have that it could have a monetary gain. I’ve seen it happen a lot. So it does, yeah.
Dr. Sev
Yeah. And you know, you’re sure so right, with that, I mean, we just keep going on and on, right. But that is so true, because people are concerned about, you know, paying maybe a therapist, or, like me, a financial counselor, you know, maybe $150, but you’re gonna get that in multiples. When you know how to handle your money. You get that in multiples. When you know how to live a better life. When you know how to be the you you are created to be from going through therapy, or going through a financial counseling session, learning how to handle your money, you’re going to get the 150 or 200 or whatever you’re paying for that session or those sessions. You’re going to get that back in spades. Because you’re going to be able to see beyond what it is because if you’re struggling for years and years and years, why don’t pay take a chance to pay $150, $200 on therapist or counselor.
Michelle Kais
But I agree with you. But I’m also going to say, and I’ve seen it happen again, people pay $100 per person $100 For shoes. Do you know much how much our phones cost? It’s almost 1000 When you break down the payments for our for an iPhone, I’m sorry, Apple, like on here, but like, it’s $1,000 a lot of times for these phones. And so we have to understand it’s an investment in yourself.
Dr. Sev
That’s the key right there. And it’s something that investment in your life. It really is.
And we’re not just saying I’m not saying that because I’m a financial counselor. You know, I shared my story on this. I’m not gonna just gonna be very brief on that I shared my story many times on my podcast, where I picked the six, I went through a divorce, and it decimated my finances, and I had to rebuild. And today, I have multiple six figure net worth. And that came from me talking to a counselor, and then practicing the things that I had been teaching for years myself. Yeah, practicing them being more intentional. So it does pay dividends when you do that, but
Michelle Kais
I hope everyone hears that, because it’s also like never too late. Like that’s another thing. Yeah.
Dr. Sev
it’s not, it’s not out yet. But that’s the title of my book. put your mask on first and then heal. As Audrey said, every healer needs a healer. put your mask on and your mask putting your mask on. So you can help others may mean going to therapy, you know, seeing a counselor or you know, whatever it is that you need to make that next step in your journey. And with that, I want to go ahead and do we do have a paid ad for the show and I want to put it on before I forgot I was going to forget. So let me do that real quick. This quick video for the sponsor of our show. Who is Brian financial empowerment LLC.
Does the topic of money cause you stress. Wouldn’t it be great to have someone help you understand your credit score, and cashflow, how to manage debt, build up your savings, create a spending plan and set financial goal Brian financial empowerment LLC offers those services and more. We are available for one on one and group counseling, speaking engagements and workshop. We would love to work with you and be part of your personal finance journey. Contact us today, we hope you discover your money superpower because we believe that anything is possible with a plan.
All right. Thank you, Brian financial empowerment for sponsoring today’s show. Anything else you want to share with us, Michelle, before we go and don’t forget, I already posted again her link tree in the comments. No, I didn’t do it. The second time, it’s right here waiting to be posted. posted our link tree again in the comments. So you can go there and you can see all of her other social media accounts. And you can find out about her upcoming program you can connect with her so that you can be kept abreast of what’s going on. And then here’s my brother, sharing very interesting. Thanks for sharing. You are welcome, Sydney. So any final words that you’d like to leave with us?
Michelle Kais
My final words, you know, we left a conversation talking about like investing in yourself. And I know that sometimes for people, like we said it could be $150 that they’re like, oh, I don’t can’t do that. But I hope people understand that you’re investing in yourself by watching a YouTube like watching the full and I mean the full YouTube like, don’t just like click off like, you know that I and that’s just something that I share a lot with my clients is you can invest in yourself in different ways. So it can be watching a full YouTube, reading a book and doing those things consistently. And so I just hope that people understand and I share that a lot with my moms is that your investment can look different, you know, all different ways. And so that’s important but yeah, please go on linktree. I’m on all the social medias like Instagram, TikTok, I started a YouTube and we have some programs, although some free resources too, as well for you to kind of be able to kind of understand, you know, give you some workbooks and things that it’s going to help you to understand what it’s like to kind of get out of being stuck as a mom, if you feel like hey, my life is a mess. We want to get you unstuck and so there’s also some free guides I’d like to to help you do that too as well.
Dr. Sev
Awesome. I’m glad to say that about you know, getting unstuck because we all get stuck at some point. And it’s okay. As long as we try to get unstuck. Michelle, it has been a pleasure having you on Dr. Sev talks money, YouTube and podcast. And I hope we can do this another time. For everyone else watching and those who are going to be watching the replay. Thank you so much for coming by and supporting us and a Sunday afternoon next Sunday. I’m going to also have another guest and we’re going to be talking about money as usual.