My guest is Brenda Soucy, a Certified Transformational Mindset Coach, who made a major life shift after 20 years in the workforce. The impetus for her transition was burnout caused by juggling work, family, family activities, being a landlord, and building a business simultaneously. You can contact her through her website
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Podcast Transcript
Dr. Sev
I’m excited to share the session today with a special guest. But before I do that, I want to make a disclaimer. And the disclaimer is that what we’re going to be sharing today is educational in nature. It is not advice. Now, Brenda Soucy is a certified transformational mindset coach, and Life Mastery consultant. And she’s going to share with us today about burnout, and how she has to change the trajectory of her life, because burnout was causing her to miss out on so many other things as it pertained to her family, and just overall life balance. Brenda, welcome to today’s session.
Brenda Soucy
I thank you for having me. So happy to be here
Dr. Sev
You are welcome. So Brenda, I want you to tell the people a little bit about yourself, before we dive more into that transformational path that you took.
Brenda Soucy
Awesome, thank you. I have a degree in postgrad international business, I focused on importing, exporting, and I have 20 years in that industry. And then today, I can say that I am an international business consultant. And a transformation mindset coach, is I help people in corporate to create what they would love to create within their own careers and in their lives as well.
Dr. Sev
Okay, so I know you had an aha moment, when you have to change trajectory. Can you kind of take us through that moment? What sparked that, and how maybe our listeners that are going to be listening or those who are watching now, and maybe take that aha moment that you have in your transformation, and maybe recognise themselves and determine how they should pivot? Yeah, they may be in a burnout situation.
Brenda Soucy
Yeah, so I’m a single mum at the time. Then when everything was happening. I was 10 years into a job that I love. In aviation industry. We were building this seal for 15, water bombers, seats in aviation for ministries, basically, different countries to remove the firefighters, they’re going in there, there’s fires in the woods, and the aircraft goes on to the water and it fills up with water and they goes and the fire is removed. I love that job. And then they told us that they were actually going to be selling that division of the business. So I had to pivot. Because I was in import export, I knew how to do distribution, new importing. So I purchased this at all my security money into this business thinking that this is what I need to do to stay here where I live where my daughter is. And so I knew how to import, I knew how to export, I did not know the industry, which is skincare. And 14 days later, after I put all my money, my security money into building this business, I was offered a management level into a mining industry, which was my field of studies, which I’ve accepted. So just imagine for six months, I was closing out my aviation job building a business that my office was four hours in Toronto from here. And I was working full time, and I’m a full time mom taking care of my house, and everything that comes with it. So as you can imagine, I’m trying to do everything, trying to be the strong person. And I ended up burning out, I would say March 2018. So that hole started with August 2017. And then burned out in March 18 2018. And I knew something had to change. I couldn’t do it all. We as women, we show up and we try to do it all and money is coming in every single way. But you kind of feel like you’re feeling everywhere. I was going to bed at midnight, and I was waking up 5am So to feed my daughter put her in daycare, go into my full time job at my new job. And in the meantime trying to answer some questions, put my new employee that’s four hours away. And then when I would leave my full time job, I will go close out my 10 year aviation job. And then I would come home put my daughter to bed. And then I would answer my emails to France where my supplier was from. So it was just this like it did not last long. Yeah,
Dr. Sev
I can imagine it sounds like a you’re on a roller coaster. There was just no getting off because you’re going from one thing to another with no breathing room, and I’m sure they will other ladies, who may be listening, even men who may listen to this, brought to this recording, and just see themselves in that, you know, on that wheel, that trajectory of just going from one thing to the other, they’re all good things, but comes hard to manage all of them at one time.
Brenda Soucy
Oh, it is. And it could be for a female, it could be for a man that feels like, I have the responsibility to take care of my house, take care of my family, take care of everything that comes with it, and try to keep up with everything. So it doesn’t matter if you’re female or you’re male, like when you feel that responsibility that you cannot feel because you have all these responsibilities. And you think you can do it all without asking for help. Well, for me, I hit burnout didn’t I did not know, at the time that that was going to be the wall that was going to hit.
Dr. Sev
Yeah. So as a transformational mindset coach, if you had a client that came to you, with this scenario, can you share maybe one tip that you would use or some strategy that you use to help your client maybe realigned, your priorities work, you know, like a change in the way you’re doing things?
Brenda Soucy
Yeah, today, I am a transformational mindset coach. And I can say that I’m the product of the product, because when I burned out, that’s when I turned into personal development. And so for those people, I would ask them like to breathe in. Because when we breathe in and breathe out slowly, it calms our nervous system. And when it clams your nervous system, you’re more open to understanding or even open to ideas to come in. I went through this program, I have a 12 week program, and I gone through the whole program myself. And what I found out that I needed to come back to my own clarity. What is it that I would really would love to create my own life? What is it that are causing stresses in my life, what is the boundaries, I need to create my life. So when I became very, very clear as to what I wanted to create, because I was on autopilot, I was just reacting to what life was sending at me and to me, and I was no longer having control at a certain point in your life of certain things. But it’s what you choose to do with it. And when I gain clarity on what it is that I really wanted, and I aligned myself to that goal and what I wanted to create for myself, that’s when things started changing for me.
Dr. Sev
Yeah, you said something about being an auto pilot and reacting to what just came along. And I am sure I’ve been there. I’m sure that there are many others who are possibly there now, because of all the things that are going on in the world. All the uncertainties and layoffs and you know, all the things that we’re seeing in the news and the wars and food prices going up. There are a lot of people who are probably on autopilot right now, just reacting to life as it comes along. And not being strategic. Maybe I need to remove myself from this place. So I can see my way clearer. So what is one thing that you may be able to share with someone who’s in that position?
Brenda Soucy
The question I ask a lot of my clients and a lot of people is like, what would you love in your life. And a lot of people really don’t know, because when we’re at the state of burnout, we bring home negativity, we bring home frustrations, we bring home, so much negative energy around that affects my child, it affected my relationships. But when you recognise that you make yourself aware of that and you zone in into yourself and you ask yourself, like what would I love to create my life? And when you get clear on that, just remember that the how is not important? Because when you make a decision, that’s the second point. First one is realising clarity on what is it you would love to create. And the second point is when you make a decision, is that what you want to commit to and this is what you’re going to be doing for your life. The universe starts playing with ways that you would have never have imagined you can’t plan certain things. And so the how is not important when you are asking yourself what what I love, and you’re writing all down. Just don’t think about the how. Just write what it is that feels expend doing in your heart. And when that feels expanding in your heart. That’s what life is seeking through you. And a better more expression of you as well. And you do know that that’s up Ask you need to align yourself with?
Dr. Sev
Yes, in your encouraging me personally because I’ve been asking myself how a lot because as an accountant and a numbers person, I’m very analytical. So I want to see what’s going to happen 10 years from now. You know, not asking myself and not because I’m getting ready to make a major shift in my life. And it’s scary. It’s scary. And once I lay out the path, I’m asking myself how, but you’re right, asking yourself, How will make you be scared? Yes. Because it’s not about the how is you once you lay out what it is you need to do, and you know your purpose for it, you’re passionate about it, how will happen, you just start making the steps to doing it. I love that and you really are encouraging me also.
Brenda Soucy
And my third step is befriending your fear. But fear is in our back of our subconscious mind, that’s gonna keep you to say, I’m here to keep you safe. I’m here to make sure that you don’t fail, you don’t get embarrassed and all that stuff, you can have fear. That’s okay. As long as you don’t let fear, have you.
Dr. Sev
I love that. I love that. You know, it’s okay to acknowledge that fear comes from making this leap or this change in life, because of fear makes us comfortable, especially when you’re in a good place in your life. You want to make a change? Why would you want to do this thing that’s different, that’s unknown. And that’s where the fear has us. But you’re right. Once you understand that’s all fear is, hopefully, those were listening in for me, it’s encouraging me to know that I just need to make that move, because I know it’s the right move.
Brenda Soucy
Because fear is feedback. Yes. Here’s like, okay, is because I haven’t done this before. But I’m curious, let’s find out what’s going to happen. If you take fears, feedback, you know, you’re growing, or knowing you’re doing your purpose, you know, you’re on the alignment with what you’re supposed to be doing. Yes,
Dr. Sev
yes. I love that. Now, we talked a little bit, and you have a passion project that’s coming up. So I’d like for you to share that with the listeners and viewers.
Brenda Soucy
Okay, so that’s awesome. So I’ve always loved travelling, I do solo travel, I went to Jordan alone, I went to Nepal, trekking the mountains alone. And I know there’s a lot of like, people out there that would love to travel but their part and don’t want to come with them. Or like there’s so many different reasons to why not to. So what I’m putting together. I’m also an amateur cook, I love food. And I love various things. So I want to bring experiences and adventures to people who are during that time, their transformation, they see the opportunities they see experiences that in their life that can come back and create for themselves. So when I’m putting together is in October, I’m going to bring a cosy group of people to a villa and the first one in October is Italy. And so the morning it would consist of us working on mindsets what we would like to create in your life. And then every single day we’re going to be doing sightseeing, Pompeii Nepali vineyard. And another one is a groundings of how to make olive oils farm. And at 3pm. In the afternoon, we have an Italian chef that comes in this beautiful kitchen, and he teaches us how to make the Italian cuisine pasta, ravioli, whatever. So and in the evening, we eat what we have cooked for ourselves. So the whole experience in itself is just like, it’s a mindset discovery. It’s like getting our hands and experience and the adventure of that. And also the adventure of discovering this beautiful country as well. So that’s going to be my business model. I’m doing this six times a year, bringing a group of people and sharing this like, my company name is so life adventure. Okay, so we have every one of us have a soul for us to be here on this human experience, which we call life. And we’re here to discover and experience and we are all on one adventure for our soul. So I do believe that creating these experiences and these adventures normally grow a little bit but experientially through mindset, spiritual and experience of life as well.
Dr. Sev
That sounds like a sumptious adventure. Boring mindset during the mornings, really discovering who you are then helping to prepare this also meal, then you partake of your meal. That sounds like a really great experience. And I am going to here is her website. If you want to learn more about this project that’s coming up, I want to read through another project, he’s going to be your business model. You’re going to be doing this in several places all over the world.
Brenda Soucy
Yes. I’ve got some different locations all over the world as well. Yes.
Dr. Sev
yeah. So you’re going to be exploring mindset, learning more about ourselves. And then we’re going to experience the country or the area that you’re in, which further expands your mindset and partaking of this beautifully prepared meals. So this really sounds like a great adventure, go check out Brenda’s website and learn more about these upcoming trips. Again, it’s going to be a model. So he’s going to be doing it several times throughout the year. So if you can’t get in on the Italy trip, then make note to follow her so you can get in on future trips. And she will have links to all of her social media from her website. So again, that’s Sol, S O UL life Brenda, is there anything else that you’d like to share with us before we wrap up?
Brenda Soucy
Through my personal development certification programmes, I have come to own not only myself but everybody do believe one of my core values is that we are far more powerful and capable than our current circumstances, situations and circumstances that we find ourselves into. And when we can get into proven system coaching system that opens up an amazing magical experience of your own Soul Life, adventure,
Dr. Sev
and love. They’re more powerful than the circumstances in which we find ourselves. I cosign on that statement. I really do. I really believe we have so much more inside of us than we think because the world tend to call this the stuff down or potential. We were children, we color coloring the line when we do things don’t do that. That’s too dangerous. So we’ve been conditioned over our lives to stay within boundaries. Yeah, what I love what you’ve said, we are far more powerful than the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
Brenda Soucy
Oh, yeah, yeah. Then Oh, much. Thank you for having me.
Dr. Sev
Thank you so much for sharing with us your wisdom again, please check out Brenda’s website. She is a certified transformational mindset coach. And she’s taking vac certification, melding it with experiences in other countries so that we can experience an openness of mind, spirit and soul