Money Mindset Shifts | Mastering a Wealth Mindset

My guest for this episode is Kate McCauley, founder and CEO of Danu, LLC. Kate’s passion is helping people be well. She helps clients with mindset shifts to manage stress through building every day habits to be happier and healthier at home and at work. She does this through 1:1 coaching, workshops and keynote speaking engagements. With 20 years experience in education, Kate can guide you on your journey with love and a ‘keeping it real’ mentality.

The purpose of the Dr. Sev Talks Money podcast is to educate and empower people so they maximize their money superpower and increase their money IQ.
The goal is hope through sharing of Lessons Learned, Practical Tips, Realistic Strategies and Workable Solutions that lead to financial freedom.
Dr. Sev encourages people to take control of their finances with a practical plan that’s tailored to their specific needs so they can reach their own financial goals.
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Podcast Transcript

Dr. Sev

I have a special guest with me, her name is Kate McCauley. She is the founder and CEO of Danu LLC. Her passion is helping people be well with a focus on be well, she helps her clients with mindset shifts to manage stress, through building everyday habits to be happier and healthier at home, and at work. So today we’re going to be talking more about mindset, gratitude, and creating habits related to money. Before I bring Kate on, I want to remind you that this is educational in nature, and not advice. Please contact your own personal finance person for advice specific to your situation. Hey, welcome to the Dr. Sam talks, money, YouTube and podcast.

Kate McCauley

Dr. Sev, thank you so much for inviting me to join you. I’ve been looking forward to chatting all day with you.

Dr. Sev

Awesome. Now let’s dive right in. Because my clients would like to know, my listeners would like to know, you have been an educator for over 20 years, and you’ve made a pivot into this business. Take us through that pivot. What precipitated it. And, you know, how did you build on that?

Kate McCauley

So you’re right, I feel exhausted thinking about that, right. But I was there for 20 years as an educator, I am still an educator, but I do it a little bit differently now. So officially, I was in the public school system for 20 years as a health and phys ed teacher. And the situation within my school district changed and I was just no longer feeling that it was serving me well, it became somewhat toxic. I stayed for probably longer than I should have. Although I do say I was exactly where I was meant to be every step of the way. So I made the pivot during the pandemic, I jumped in, maybe that was a crazy time to do it. But it felt correct and aligned for me, I decided that it was time to make a shift. So I became certified as a health coach first thinking, this could be my exit strategy to leave the classroom and as things have continued with my journey in business, I now educate people through speaking engagements, I run workshops in person and virtually. And I also still guide people as a one-to-one mindset coach, and we talk about a lot of different things, money comes up a lot. So shifting that mindset related to money from the scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset is something that has been a theme for a lot of my clients, even if they come to me initially with other goals in mind. So I’m excited to talk about that today and hopefully steal some tips for your listeners. So they can make some changes too.

Dr. Sev

Yeah. So what was that thing that I know? You talked about the pandemic and the fact that the environment got a little bit toxic? But what was that thing that made you say, this is the time was there any one thing?

Kate McCauley

So let me say before I address that, because a lot of my former students, their parents, I am so lucky to be connected on social media and sometimes still in person. So I do want to first say that I absolutely loved all of those students and I feel grateful to be a part of their journey. So I don’t want it ever to come across that, you know, I didn’t like the time that I spent there. It was truly my purpose while I was there and now my purpose is here. So just to give a little story, six years prior to resigning from my position, I did have a gun pointed at me in a parking lot outside of the high school I was teaching at from a boy, really he was a 14-year-old boy on a bike. And it makes my heart sad to think back now, where he was at in his life journey that brought him to that moment. But that is really when the exit strategy began. But it was a long time to get to where I am now it took me six years to finally decide. Enough is enough. It’s time for me to go. And the reason it happened during the pandemic is because I was home virtually our teaching, I was home teaching virtually as all educators were doing, we were building the plane as we were flying it so to speak. And I learned that I could do a lot of things virtually, and connect with people. So you know, being able to have this chat with you. I was on Zoom and Google meet and all of those things, building those skills that have helped me today to run workshops and work with different people. So it has evolved but I guess that’s where it really began six years before I actually put that letter in.

Dr. Sev

Okay, I see a one of my guests here Beverly saying Hi everyone!

Kate McCauley

Hi Beverly. 

Dr. Sev

And as you come in, if you would share where You’re from Beverly the faithful. Everytime that she can, as you come in, tell us where you’re checking in from, we’d love to know, we’d love to interact with you. Okay, so you mentioned Money, money mindset shifts, I should say. And I know, that’s one of my pillars of my, my business. So I know how important it is when you get a client, when you can get a client to really understand the power they have over money. And that has been a significant part of you becoming a successful business owner. Tell us a little bit more about that.

Kate McCauley

So I’m glad you said that, because sometimes I focus on the work that I’m doing. And I forget to mention that I did that internal work first on myself, because when I started the journey into entrepreneurship, I’m gonna just be totally honest with all of you, there was a lot of impostor syndrome. And I started to think, Who am I to do this, you know, who am I to leave this year, a 20-year career as an educator and jump in to be a business owner. And I had some money mindset issues related to what I would charge, you know how I would do this, because I love helping people, I often say that I don’t look for clients, I look for people to love problems that I could solve and help, you know, a solution to those problems that I see how I could contribute to those. But you have to charge money, right? To have a business. So you know, I’ve worked with a lot of people to unlock my potential in that area. And some of the things I did for myself, I do for my clients. So starting with some I Am statements, and you know, how I focus on money and gratitude related to what I do, and you know, just money in general. So, for example, on my board, the other side of my office here, I have up their money flows easily to me, you know, and that is one of the mindsets that I use every day. And when I first wrote it, there wasn’t making any money in my business. But I had to step into that role. And I started with those I am statements. Now I focus on opportunities that come my way related to money.

Dr. Sev

Yes, it is so important to speak the words that you want to live them. Yeah, so very important. I, you mentioned something about, you know, the imposter syndrome. And who am I to do this? I think most women deal with that, because I know I have. But what I tell myself and I tell my clients is, there is somebody who knows less than you do. And you don’t have to know everything, because I don’t know everything about personal finance. But I do know more than somebody else. And that person needs me to help them. That person needs me to serve them. So for somebody who’s listening, if you’re wanting to make the leap, to building your business, or even having a side hustle business, I want you to know and Kate is telling you through her messaging that you have to first tell yourself that you can do this, and impostor syndrome will come up, but somebody needs you.

Kate McCauley

Doctor says it’s selfish. If your listeners do not go out and do the thing, because someone is out there waiting for you. And like you said, thank goodness, you’re doing what you do now because your clients benefit from that. So whoever is listening now or on the replay, make sure whatever is pulling on your heartstrings related to business, you know how you’re going to make a shift in any direction? Do it, it’s selfish not to.

Dr. Sev

Yes, there’s just so many people, you’d be surprised those we’re gonna be listening on the podcast, you probably wouldn’t be surprised how many people need you. You may think you are insignificant. You may think your thoughts, your words, your actions don’t matter. But they do. And they’re people who probably won’t say anything, but they’re watching your life. Whatever it is that you are purpose, every one of us have a purpose. And whatever it is that your purpose for please go ahead and walk in it and start crawling if you need to take the staggering steps. But go ahead and do it when I started this podcast. In fact, let me share my quick story. The first day I did my YouTube Live. My screen was black for three minutes because I couldn’t figure out how to add myself to the podcast. And today look at me lights and all these fancy you know, when I started my computer is over there right now. It was seven years old, it was broken, and I propped it up on paper towels. So it is possible to start where you are

Kate McCauley

true. I’m so glad you said that. I was the same way and some people are listening now thinking well I can’t do that. Look at these two. Why not? You were propped up on paper towels. Guess what I had a box of kids crayons. And I was sitting at the counter in my kitchen on this first zoom calls with different people. And I took some pictures to remind myself, you know before I had the office and the whole setup here and what you’re saying you know yes Why not? You go for it. So you share that story. Because when I first started, I didn’t know a lot of those stories from business owners or from women, especially, you know, I didn’t hear those things. I just was looking at the success. So it’s great to hear about the journey, because we all start with a blank screen. You know, those were three minutes. And then eventually, we ended up where we are supposed to be. So yeah, thank you for sharing that

Dr. Sev

Progress over perfection every time. Okay, I have another guest joining in saying hi. Hey, Judy, thank you for joining. Judy has a YouTube channel to where she focuses on legal things. He’s a lawyer in good faith. Yeah. So, you know, I’m a big believer in gratitude, because I believe it shifts our focus from the problem to focusing on solutions, when we are thankful, we’re not seeing the problem, we were thinking, you know, I have this, how can I make it better. So talk to us a little bit about the habit of gratitude and how it helps your 

Kate McCauley

Sure. So gratitude is huge for me, you know, if you connect with me in any way, in any space, anywhere now in the future, you will hear me talk about gratitude. Because I really do believe that when we focus on gratitude, we have more things to be grateful for. So there are many ways you can do this. I personally and you can steal this, if you are listening, do a gratitude journal in the morning. And it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. It can be $1 store notebook, it can be you know, you got buy a gratitude journal off of Amazon if you want to and make it real pretty and fancy. But all I do is write three things down in the morning. And I suggest this to my clients as well. The first three things that pop into my mind, some people like to journal a little bit more. So maybe you want to put the gratitude journal at a certain point in your day where you have some time, if that, you know is something that you enjoy doing. For me, I like putting the first three things down, as soon as I wake up in the morning, and I’m going to steal a tip or I’m going to give you a tip to steal. For anyone who’s listening. If you do not already have a gratitude practice in your life, I want you to stack a habit, that means something that you already do. It’s a habit, you do it every single day, I want you to take that habit because your brain is used to it, you know, your reticular activating system, we can get all deep with neuroscience, but it’s based on this, your brain knows that you do this every single day. So I want you to take that habit, stack it with the new gratitude journaling, or however you want to put gratitude into your life. Some people put it in their phone, whatever works best for your world. But let’s say it’s my situation. So for me, I have my gratitude journal and my pen on my nightstand right next to the bed. And every time I use my phone to turn off my or to set my alarm and turn it off. So as soon as I turn that alarm off, I put my phone right back down. It’s next to the gratitude journal. So I stacked a habit that I already turned that alarm off. And now I write in the gratitude journal, it will take a little bit of work, but your brain will start to learn just like you do things every single day, you don’t realize maybe that you make the coffee the same way every day. But you do could be slightly different, but basically, the same stack that habit and your brain will start to learn that this is the trigger your new routine is that gratitude journal. And then at the end, if you really want to do crazy, you could give yourself like a dopamine hit. If you’ve maybe SIP that coffee afterward or something that makes you feel good. The habit will stick.

Dr. Sev

Yeah. So you’re not recreating you’re not creating a habit, you’re using what you already you’re already doing. And you’re just tweaking that add that one thing to the gratitude journal

Kate McCauley

Work smarter, not harder, right?

Dr. Sev

Yes. Now, my favorite topic is anything related to money. And one of the things when we’ve talked is developing money habits. Because once we do that, you know, again, habit is something you do over time and it becomes part of you. So, give us maybe one or two tips related to money habits, and how it can help our listeners become better at managing your money or viewing their money.

Kate McCauley

Right. So I’m gonna think, one, I want to just jump on to the gratitude a little bit more there. Like I was saying what we focus on becomes our reality there. And if you are grateful, you have more things to be grateful for. So when you start to write things down, that you are grateful for that you have in your life, you will see that you do have things that will create that abundance mindset as opposed to the scarcity mindset. So you really want to incorporate that into your life because if you’re constantly saying things like I have no money, or I’m always going to be in debt, then you will always be that way you know, but if you can write it down, either in an I am statement or through that gratitude journaling, focusing on how money He is going to come into your life and start loving money. It’s not a bad thing to love money, you need money to do things. So you know, to say like, Ooh, I get to play with this money. And maybe I donate it to charity here or travel, start to say, you know, I love money, and I want money in my life, because then I can do this, this and this, it’s not a bad thing. I will say that I think that women sometimes feel like, maybe we shouldn’t say that I’m here to serve. And of course, we are, be open to saying, you know, money can flow easily to me, like I love money. Look, how I can play with this money now can change your life?

Dr. Sev

Yes, because it’s simply a tool. It is simply a tool. And I’m always saying this and preaching this gospel, that money is simply a tool. And just like we learn to use a hammer, we learn to use a screwdriver, we learn how to cope, if we can learn money, no, I’m not talking about the deep things like you know, investments and whether you should buy stocks or bonds, I’m talking about just learning the basics of money, if we can learn that we can manage that tool. Because this playground, this world, we live in this playground, if we don’t know the rules are around money, and how the game is played, then we end up spending money, that we shouldn’t end up paying more for a car or house than we should, because we’re told that this is the interest rate we can give you, we’re not smart enough. And I’m not talking intelligence, I’m talking money smart enough to go look, and do the research and go ask somebody else. And I say ask all the questions. There are no dumb questions when it comes to your money. ask all the questions. And if somebody won’t give you the answer, find somebody else. And ask all the questions if your money is your asset, ask the questions and get the answer that you need. Okay?

Kate McCauley

Be mindful, you’re basically using mindfulness there, you know, just because somebody is telling you, well, this is what we can give you, you need to ask those questions. Because if you don’t ask the answer is always now. Right. And you will just go along go with the flow, when you could be missing out on something amazing, or a lower rate in some, you know, situations. And on the flip side, if there are some business owners here, you know, charge your worth, I mean, own that, own all of that experience, and own all of those certifications. You don’t have to you know, list them out, but walk into the situation like this is who I am, you know, and then maybe add some tax.

Dr. Sev

Exactly. I’m a big proponent of that I learned this lesson very late, because I was working for a company, and I was underpaid. And when I discovered it, my boss, he was very nice. You know, he kept saying, Yes, I know you’re underpaid, but you know, Do this, do that. And then they brought in a consultant. And they did the analysis. And yes, yes, I was one of those that were underpaid. But I didn’t know to ask for when I first started to ask for my worth. But believe who I have learned since then. And Judy is saying here she’s saying, Actually, women need to think more about money, because we tend to make less, and we have to help family and we live longer. And that is so true. Statistically, women make less than men. And it’s shown that women make about an average 86 cents less than a white male. And black women make maybe six to nine cents, I think, you know, compared to $1 for white male, right? Indians, Hispanics make even less, you know, in comparison. So yes, women, we tend to, we have a way to go, we have some work to do. And I’m glad that people like Kate and I are doing the work to help our sisters. Talk about

Kate McCauley

Talk about it. Because it’s not Judy’s correct there when she’s putting that statement on there. If we don’t speak up and talk about it, we will still continue to be making less, you know, and some of the different events in areas that I work in now, that has been highlighted a lot, you know that the males make more money, and they’re going to hire a male speaker for this mountain. And you know, you have to, like you said, speak up and say, you know, I’m traveling to this event, I bring 20 years of experience. I’ve done this, this, this, and this, you know, and speak up for yourself because Judy is right, you’re right. If we don’t, you know, we’re living longer and all those things we just discussed and you know, you’re setting yourself up for some issues there because you’re undercutting yourself.

Dr. Sev

Yeah. And I have had to turn down speaking engagements because what I asked for, you’re not paying me and I prefer not to do it.

Kate McCauley

I’ve done the thing recently. Well, if you change your value, reach out.

Dr. Sev

I know my worth and i’m adding tax. So tell us more about Daniel LLC about your business and how you can help someone who’s who’s listening right now.

Kate McCauley

Sure. So I started that business during the pandemic. It is named after an Irish goddess Danu she is can sort of the mother of Ireland who gives wisdom. So it really aligned with who I was, and all the different hats, I do have three children, in addition to being that mom in the classroom, but it was somewhat of a role that a lot of teachers take on, you know, as a teacher, you have that motherly role to build that rapport and help students unlock their potential and you know, push them a little bit further to keep going. I do that now with my clients. And I do it a couple different ways in my business. So I work one to one with women only for the one-to-one coaching. And that can be for whatever they want to change in their life related to habits. So it could be a habit related to shifting your mindset for money, it could be, you know, wanting to start going to the gym starting that business, I’m thinking of a couple of clients that I work with right now. But what I do is I have a discovery call, and we have a mindset breakthrough. And we just chat, I’m going to be very honest with you, though, just like Dr. Seven I mentioned, we have said no to speaking engagements, I do say no to someone if they think this is going to be a magic pill, because the one to one coaching is not that it is to help guide you, the answers are within you. I know how to get them out of you and help guide you on that journey. And then you know, we create goals and we do all of those different things its a ton of work within the one-to-one coaching program, I also run workshops, and that can be in person or virtually. And it’s basically like the coaching on a smaller level where I might focus on gratitude or healthy boundaries or just unlocking that potential saying why not you. And then the speaking engagements, again, can be virtual or in person, I will say that I love the in-person vibes that I get from that to just be able to interact, you know, feels like the classroom again for me a little bit. But I also love just sitting in my office and connecting that way. So for those, I primarily focus on unlocking your potential and taking action, because it’s all good and great to be like, Oh, I’m gonna do this thing. And you know, even if I write it down, but then you don’t do anything about it, you’re gonna stand still. So that I have on my website, and I’m sure you’ll be able to see in the notes there. You guys could connect with me. But that’s what I that’s what I do now.

Dr. Sev

Yes. And I’m glad you said that about it’s not a one-on-one, coaching is not a magic bullet. It’s not something that’s going to magically transform your situation, you have to apply because there was a conversation in Facebook a few weeks or a few days ago, about someone saying Don’t make your coaching business be like, you know, Google or something, Google. And I’m like, well, there’s nothing wrong with that. Because if Google had all the answers, or if people were applying the answers that are on Google, we wouldn’t need coaches, right? Because Google has really pretty much all the answers. But we need accountability. We need someone to walk alongside us.

Kate McCauley

Yeah, I do that with a tough-love vibe. I’m from outside of Philadelphia here. And that is a huge part of my program. I tell everyone that the accountability piece is really the biggest part. Because it’s very easy for us to slip back into those old habits. And you know, say I’m too busy. Or maybe I’ll do it next year. But I’m the one and you know, I’m sure when you work with your clients who say, no, let’s go back and talk about your why and why we did this, because accountability is what will push you to success.

Dr. Sev

Yes. Now, as you wrap up, is there anything else that you’d like to add?

Kate McCauley

Oh, anything else I would like to add? So I would say that if you connect with me in any way, reach out, let’s see how we can collaborate. I love talking on podcasts, in addition to you know, doing the speaking and workshops and coaching women through their journey. And I would like to say that, you know, when I talk to people, of course, people align with me in a certain way. But really, I’m looking for people to love, I am looking for problems that are out there. And I want to see how I can contribute to the solution. So if you know, you heard me say something and say, Well, Kate, I would love for you to maybe come and try this with our team or our students. I’m open to you know, chatting about those things. That is how I really ended up where I am. I thought I was just going to do the coaching. And you know, was approached to say how about you come and do some workshops and speak for us, and it has evolved. So if you like our vibe, you know, I would love to connect further and deeper with you.

Dr. Sev

Yeah, and I’m showing her Instagram here on the screen for those of you who are going to be listening to the podcast. I’ll have that in the show notes. Judy, saying thanks for your inspiring words. Maybe Judy. Thank you so much. Now as we get ready to wrap up, one of the things I want to do is show you this ad that I created for Brian financial 

The topic of money causing stress. Wouldn’t it be great to have someone help you understand your career did score and cash flow, how to manage debt, build up your savings, create a spending plan and set financial goals. Brian financial empowerment LLC offers those services and more. We are available for one on one and group counseling, speaking engagements and workshop, we would love to work with you and be part of your personal finance journey. Contact us today, we hope you discover your money superpower, because we believe that anything is possible with a plan. 

Okay, so for those of you who are interested, you can contact Kate again, her passion is helping people to be well. She helps her clients with mindset shifts to manage stress, through building everyday habits to be happier and healthier at home and at work. And as you saw from my ad, if you are interested in budgeting, debt management credit, or any of that, you can go ahead and make an appointment, go to my website, save talks Make an appointment to do so. We are both here to help you pay with mindset shift, and me with the actual budgeting of your money. So kate, any wrap of words?

Kate McCauley

I would just like to say what an amazing team that would be right? If you had Dr. Says and me, could you imagine the transformation in your life? So I hope people take advantage of that and take your invitation to connect so that they can you know, we talked about why not me? Why not you related to the money mindset and, you know, making those shifts and I just wanted to say thank you, Dr. Sev for having me on, you know much gratitude on my end. And I’m you know, thankful to all of the people that jumped in and I saw some of those comments there. I appreciate you being here and I look forward to connecting again.

Dr. Sev

Okay, so before we wrap up, I want to say you deserve to live an abundant life. You deserve the very best. So go ahead and make an appointment to get the help that you need to move forward in that abundance.

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About Dr. Sev

Dr. Sev serves people who want to take control of their finances. She does this by providing a practical plan that’s tailored to their specific needs so they can reach their own financial goals.

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