Our mind and our money

Hello friends,

In today’s episode, we are talking about the powerful mind and how it can influence achieving our goals and even how we look at money.

Dr. Severine Bryan is a personal finance educator and coach who is passionate about changing the financial lives of women over 40, one woman at a time. She is a Financial Empowerment Educator who is zealous about financial literacy. She is a member of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education® and is currently pursuing the Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC®) certification so she can better serve her clients.

Dr. Severine’s passion is serving, equipping, educating, and empowering women who want to improve their finances and/or learn strategies to improve their finances. To achieve this goal, she offers financial education/coaching on debt management, cash flow, credit, and basic money management. She also assists small businesses with their day-to-day financial processes such as cash flow.

Dr. Severine walks the talk. She wants to help her clients achieve results similar to hers. After going through a divorce, walking away from the home she owned for 13 years, and rebuilding her finances, (including paying off $24k in student loans in under 16 months) Dr. Severine is determined to help as many people as possible realize financial freedom. She was also able to create a five-figure emergency fund and a six-figure net worth in just over 4 years by using the tactics she teaches in her coaching sessions. Additionally, she rebuilt her credit from the low 500s to mid 700s.

The motto Dr. Severine lives by for personal finance is “anything is possible with a plan“. Her earnest desire is to help those who find themselves in a financial quandary become good stewards of their money.

Email: se******@se***********.com

Website: www.sevtalksmoney.com

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Podcast Transcript

Welcome to the Sev talks money podcast, where it’s all about renewing, rebranding and rebuilding you and your finances after a major life event. And now, here’s your host, Dr. Severine Bryan.

Dr. Sev  

Hey friends, today we’re talking about our mind and our money. The mind is really a powerful tool. And if we can harness the power of the mind, oh how much we can achieve? Stay tuned for today’s discussion.

Dr. Sev  

Hey, friends, let’s talk about our mind and our money. I want to kick this off with a quote from Earl Nightingale. And it says, Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind, and nourish with repetition, and emotions, will one day become reality. This is speaking to me to say that whatever thing we plant in our mind, whatever goal we get in our mind, whatever plan we put in place, in order for it to grow to fruition, we have to nourish it. With everything that we have everything that we do, we have to nourish that plan, so that it can become reality. I love quotes, because they provoke you to thought, quotes really get you thinking about your life about your choices. And this one from Earl Nightingale has done that with me. It reminded me that what whatever goals I have, I need to water them with my actions and with my thoughts. So going back to the topic of let’s talk about our mind and our money, the mind is a very powerful thing. And it is up to us to harness the power of the mind to reach our goal. But first thing we have to do is to determine what those goals are.

Dr. Sev  

And to determine the goals, we really should examine the drivers that inspire us to choose one goal over another. So in today’s broadcast, I want to challenge you to think about two things. And the first one is, what are your goals? And how do you determine them? And the second one is to explore and exercise the money minutes that have us bound. So let’s talk about the first one. What are your goals? And how do you determine them? I made my goals very small. And what I thought I could achieve with minimum of effort.

Dr. Sev  

And I’m realizing now that I have so much more inside of me than what people thought about me what family members thought about me what people in my church thought about me, because I didn’t speak a certain way. I didn’t interact with people a certain way. I was put in different categories, I was categorized in ways that made me feel like I shouldn’t even try to reach my goals. So what are your goals again? And how do you determine them? Do you make your goals based on the limiting beliefs that people placed on you? Are you trying to achieve something? Because somebody say you can you’ll never be a doctor because you don’t like science? Maybe that was in third grade or fourth grade or or sixth grade. Now you’re an adult? Or is it still the same that you don’t like science or you’re not good at science? Or are you operating from what was said to you those many years ago? Maybe a family member told you that you’ll never be anything. So you make your goals real small, because you think if I make it small, I can achieve it. And then they can see that I’m achieving something But that’s not what you were called to do. 

Dr. Sev  

Are you thinking you can’t do certain things accomplish certain things because of past behavior? I was told that I couldn’t preach the gospel. Because, you know, at 16 when I got saved, that I wasn’t obedient. And I didn’t listen, when adults spoke to me. So how am I going to be thinking about preaching the gospel? None of us are perfect, all of us make mistakes at one time or another? So, are you going to live your life based on past mistakes? Or are you going to push past those and be who you were designed to be? People have said things to us and about us that causes us to downsize our dreams. And you have to remember, I have to remember that were created with everything to be our best self. So you have to now I challenge you to explore what labels have people placed on you? And is that in any way, inhibiting you from being your best self? I have to examine that all the time. Because I know, I’m not the best speaker. I know I have physical limitations. I have a list. You know, there’s certain there’s, there’s things that people have said will impede my progress in terms of what I want to get done. But am I going to walk past that? Or am I going to allow that to stop me from being who I am, I’m meant to be.

Dr. Sev  

So let’s say you are somebody who is shy. And people always say that to you. But is that all you are? Do you not set aside that shyness and become who you need to be as circumstances dictate. Maybe you go back to your shyness, but that’s not 100% of you, whatever label they placed on you, truth or not, you’re not 100% that none of us are 100% anything. We are complex, we are multifaceted. And because of that, we cannot allow somebody’s one label to stop us from being who we are designed to be. Let’s think about elephants. Elephants are big and powerful. But they are trained from a very young age to stay in place. When they’re young, a chain is put on their legs, and they are tied to a stake. So every time they try to move, because they’re tied to the state, they’re held in place. Eventually, the chain is left on their legs, but they’re no longer tied to that state. And guess what, they never move, they never try to move, because in their mind, they are still attached to that state, and they’ll never be able to move. And some of us, we operate in that vein, the things that tide us when we were younger, we’ve been trained in our minds to think we are those things. And because of that, now that we are older, and we have freedom of choice, we don’t make the best choices. Because our choices are now tied to the things we were told about ourselves. As I said before, the mind is a powerful thing. And we it can be used to our advantage or to our disadvantage. 

Dr. Sev  

So that leads me to the second thing that I want to challenge you about, which is to explore an excorcise, the money meets the habits bound. When we explore those things, it helps us to see why we make the choices we make. Are you spending every time you get your paycheck, you’re going shopping, buying new clothes, that you really have a closet full of clothes with tags that you haven’t even worn. Why are you doing that? What belief do you have about yourself that make you feel like you need to get the newer style of everything in order to feel good to look good? What is it that’s causing you to make those choices? So today I’m I’m challenging you and challenging myself to explore and exorcise get rid of those many myths. People say money is evil. Money is not. Money is a tool. It’s an instrument that we use to get the things we need. And many of us we limit ourselves from going after the things that we desire, because we think money is evil. So we don’t we just want to get just enough to live. We wanted to get just enough to buy the house just enough to pay for that car. 

Dr. Sev  

Why not go for the surplus, the the six figure salary, the seven figure that can help us, bless our families, so they don’t have to start over. I don’t want my daughter to start over. And I’m sure you don’t want your family members to start over, every generation should not have to start over. So whatever the thing is, that is changing our minds, that’s causing us to feel like we can’t accomplish the things we need to accomplish. I’m challenging you and challenging myself to exorcise those money myths, exercise those limiting beliefs that cause us to not believe in our potential. There are people who love money more than they love people. If they can do anything, whether it’s legal or illegal, ethical or unethical, they will do it. Because they love money so much. That’s not what I’m talking about here.

Dr. Sev  

That’s loving money to the exclusion of all else. I’m saying go after money, because money that tool that can make your life and the life of your family members. And those people you come in contact with a better lifestyle. A carpenter gets the best, he gets the best hammer, he gets the best chisel, he gets the best nails to do his job. Money is a similar tool. You do what you can to make the most that you can to make your life better and to meet the life of other people better. And as I wrap up, I want to challenge you to also be intentional in whatever choices you make. If you’re not intentional in your choices, what people say or do will derail you. And you will make your you will find yourself taking paths and making choices that do not serve you. When you make up your mind to be intentional about your goals, you won’t be as easily sidetracked. And I’m speaking from experience. 

Dr. Sev  

Initially, when I started my doctorate, I knew that there are people who did not believe in me, people who do not support me when I said things they would, they just never stopped. They didn’t support me. And initially, that bothered me. But then I realized I had a daughter I needed to set an example for. And so I became intentional. And it didn’t matter what people saw, it didn’t matter what people said, I was going to do this. It took nights of crying, nights of not enough sleep. But I accomplished that goal. And that’s because I became intentional about it. So I’m challenging you to also become intentional about your goals. Don’t be derailed or sidetracked by what people think or say about you. You are uniquely and powerfully made, there is nobody like you your fingerprints are unique. There is nobody else in the world that has your fingerprint, that tells me you’re special. Someone says the mind is a powerful thing, and what it conceives and believe it can achieve. So I’m believing in you. And I’m believing in myself that we’re going to reach the goals that we’ve destined that we’re destined to reach. And at the end, I want to end with this quote from Tony Robbins, as I said, I love quotes, because it really provoked you to thought they make you think about what is the message that the person that said that quote, What message are they trying to say, and it makes you really think through, dig into it, and see how it can be applied to your life. 

Dr. Sev  

And this quote from Tony Robbins says, “Before the mind can work efficiently, we must develop our perceptions of the outcomes we expect to reach. When the mind has a defined target. It can focus and direct and refocus and redirect until it reaches its intended goal.” So that tells me that we first have to get that goal in mind. We have to develop a perception of what it is that we think we want to achieve. Are you wanting to get that degree? Are you wanting to build that business? Are you wanting to get to a six figure business? Are you wanting to work with people in the community to do for maybe personal finance education, or you wanting to go into low income neighborhoods? Do you want to get young girls and speak into young girls and tell them who they are? So they know they don’t have to feel like they have to lay with a man before they’re fully developed emotionally before they’re fully matured? To get something to get money or to get you know to buy clothes or whatever. They don’t have to do that. They don’t have to sell their bodies to achieve the things they want because they are unique and you can you can be the one to direct them where they need to go, do you need to talk to young boys, teach them how to pull up your pants, and to walk with their heads up and be proud of who they are. 

Dr. Sev  

Every one of us have a purpose and have everything inside of us to accomplish the things we are destined to accomplish. And as long as we’re breathing, it is never too late. So the question now is, what can we do right now to change the trajectory of our lives if our lives are not going the way we want it to? How can we change that? How will we harness the power of the mind to reach our goals and get our money, right? Because again, money is a tool, and we need that tool to execute and do the things that we need to do so we can be a blessing to our family, and those around us. So I hope today’s podcast has helped to deliver the goal that I have for this podcast, and at least one of them, which is to educate coach and guide women into realizing your full financial potential. That’s what I want for me. And that’s what I want for you that we were realized or full financial potential or full overall potential because again, as I said, we are unique, we are wonderfully and miraculously made there is nobody else on the earth like you think about that. Nobody’s fingerprint matches yours. You are special, and I am special. And so I want us to get our minds together so that our mind can we can harness the power of the mind and get our money right. Thank you so much for listening to the self talks money broadcast. I’ll see you later friend.

Thanks for listening to the Sev talks money podcast. Find us on sevtalksmoney.com, Spotify, Apple podcast, and many more. See you next time.

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About Dr. Sev

Dr. Sev serves people who want to take control of their finances. She does this by providing a practical plan that’s tailored to their specific needs so they can reach their own financial goals.

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